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27.12.2024Final Seniority List of Drivers (LMV) Grade-III
29.11.2024Circulation of Tentative Seniority List of Drivers (LMV) Grade-III
18.09.2024Final seniority list of Driver (HMV) Grade-III - Notified [OM dated 18.09.2024]
27.06.2024Circulation of tentative seniority list of 'Superintendents'
26.02.2024Final Seniority List of 'Assistant' (2354 - 3072)
04.09.2023MTS - Provisional Inter-se Seniority List of MTS(S/HK) considered for absorption to MTS(G)
14.08.2023Final Seniority List of Drivers (LMV) Grade-I (403-457)
21.06.2023Circulation of Tentative Seniority List of Drivers (LMV) Grade-I
19.05.2023Circulation of tentative seniority list of Assistants
08.05.2023Final Seniority List of 'Office Receptionist -cum- Telephone Operator Grade-III' - Notified
20.02.2023Revised extended Tentative Inter-se Seniority List of officers holding Schedule-ll posts of PCS (other than Superintendent cadre) - Objections called for
04.02.2023Finality Seniority list of Superintendents - Corrigendum - Issued
05.12.2022Final Seniority list of Senior Private Secretaries - Issued [G.O. dated 05.12.2022]
29.09.2022Circulation of tentative seniority list of Senior Private Secretaries
26.09.2022Regularisation and final seniority of Superintendents - Issued
17.08.2022Final seniority list of Stenographer Gr.I - Issued
11.07.2022Final seniority list of UDCs - Issued
07.07.2022Circulation of tentative seniority list of Stenographer Gr.I
31.05.2022Final Seniority List of LDCs (4901 - 5382)
31.05.2022LDC - Speaking Order on LDC Seniority List in compliance to order dated 26.04.2022 of CAT, Chennai Bench
28.04.2022 Revised and Extended Tentative Seniority List of 'Superintendent' who have opted for PCS - Objections called for
28.04.2022Extended Tentative Inter-se Seniority List of officers holding Schedule-ll posts of PCS (other than Superintendent cadre) - Objections called for
05.04.2022Circulation of revised Tentative Seniority List of LDCs
05.04.2022LDC Seniority List - Speaking order issued in compliance of the order dated 17.02.2022 of the Hon'ble CAT Chennai Bench in MA/310/00073/2022 and OA/310/00088/2022
16.03.2022Circulation of revised tentative seniority list of UDCs - Clarification
08.03.2022Disposal of representation received from Puducherry Integrated Employees Service and Welfare Association and two others - Orders - Issued
04.03.2022Circulation of Revised Tentative Seniority List of Upper Division Clerks
21.01.2022Regularaisation of ad-hoc appointment of Tmt. Sarojini Kundora, Private Secretary & Seniority in the post of Pvt. Secretary - Orders - Issued.
04.01.2022Circulation of Tentative Seniority List of LDCs - Reg
08.09.2021Regularisation of ad-hoc appointment and assignment of seniority in the post of Superintendent - Orders - Issued
06.08.2021Final Seniority List of Private Secretaries - Issued
13.07.2021Regularisation of ad-hoc appointment and assignment of seniority in the post of Superintendent - Orders - Issued
01.07.2021Revised Tentative Seniority list of 'Superintendent' who have opted for PCS - Objections called for
30.06.2021Circulation of Tentative Seniority List of Upper Division Clerks
24.06.2021Final Seniority List of Superintendents - Issued
24.06.2021Circulation of Tentative Seniority List of Private Secretary
04.06.2021Public Services - Final Seniority List of Drivers (HMV) Grade-I - Issued
10.02.2021Circulation of Tentative Seniority List of Driver (HMV) Grade-I
17.12.2020Circulation of Tentative Seniority List of Superintendents
24.11.2020Public Services - Final Seniority List of Upper Division Clerks - Issued
02.06.2020Tentative Seniority List of MTS(G) - Objections called for (Last date: 30.06.2020)
19.10.2020Revised/ Extended tentative inter-se seniority list of officers holding Schedule-ll posts of PCS (other than Superintendent cadre) - Objections called for.
15.10.2020Final Seniority List of MTS(General) - Notified
30.04.2020MTS - Revised inter-se seniority list of MTS(G) who are to be considered for promotion to Record Clerk/Keeper
21.04.2020PCS - Final Seniority list of PCS Grade-I (Selection Grade) Officers - Published
19.03.2020MTS - Revised Inter-se Seniority List of MTS for promotion to LDC - Objections called for
19.02.2020Final Seniority List of Stenographers Grade-I
18.02.2020Final Seniority list of 'Attender' later redesignated as MTS (General)
18.02.2020Final Seniority list of 'Peon' appointed from 01.01.2000 to 13.12.2010
07.02.2020Final Seniority List of Driver (LMV) Grade-I
29.01.2020Tentative Seniority List of PCS Grade-I (Selection Grade) officers
27.01.2020Tentative Seniority List in the cadre of erstwhile Group-D posts of 'Watchman', 'Sanitary Assistant' and 'Sanitary Helper' - Notified
06.01.2020Provisional Seniority List of Superintendents who have opted for PCS - Objections called for
06.01.2020Extended Tentative Inter-se Seniority List of officers holding Schedule-ll posts of PCS (other than Superintendent cadre) - Objections called for - Revised vide OM dated 19.10.2020
06.01.2020Circulation of Tentative Seniority List of Stenographer Grade-I
23.12.2019Revised Tentative Seniority list in the cadre of erstwhile Group-D post of 'Peon'
13.12.2019Tentative Seniority list in the cadre of erstwhile Group-D post of 'Attender'
09.12.2019Final Seniority List of 'Assistant' (1714 - 2353)
04.12.2019Circulation of Tentative Seniority List of Driver (LMV) Grade-I
08.11.2019Final Seniority List of Stenographer Grade-I
06.09.2019Tentative Seniority list in the cadre of erstwhile Group-D post of 'Peon'
19.08.2019Circulation of Tentative Seniority List of Drivers (HMV) Gr.I
19.08.2019Final List of Full Time Casual Labourers (common categories) elevated as such from the list of Part Time Casual Labourers from 01.04.2014 to 30.09.2016 in Government Departments in the regions of Puducherry / Karaikal / Mahe / Yanam. I.D.Note/Memorandum

Puducherry     Karaikal     Mahe     Yanam

01.08.2019Extended Tentative Seniority List of Superintendents who have opted for PCS - Objections called for.
01.08.2019Extended Tentative Inter-se Seniority List of officers holding Schedule-ll posts of PCS (other than Superintendent cadre) - Objections called for. - Extended vide OM dated 06.01.2020
25.07.2019Circulation of Tentative Seniority List of Stenographer Gr.I - Inclusion of Tmt. S. Ramaa, Stenographer Gr.I
22.07.2019Circulation of Tentative Seniority List of Stenographer Gr.I
18.02.2019Draft list of Full Time Casual Labourers elevated from the list of Part Time Casual Labourers from 01.04.2014 to 30.09.2016 - Additional particulars Called for Memorandum dated 18.02.2019
11.12.2018Revised Inter-se Seniority list of eligible and willing MTS(S) and MTS(HK) employees for absorption to the post of MTS(General)
11.09.2018Circulation of revised Tentative Seniority List of Upper Division Clerks - Reg
31.05.2018CS (Estt.) - Final Seniority List of 'Room Attendant' in Puducherry Govt. Guest House, Chennai
18.04.2018Final Seniority List of Drivers (LMV) Grade-III - Issued
18.04.2018CS(Estt.) - Tentative Seniority List of 'Room Attendant' in Puducherry Govt. Guest House, Chennai
26.02.2018Circulation of Draft List of Full Time Casual Labourers (Common Categories) elevated from Part Time Casual Labourers during the period from 01.04.2014 to 30.09.2016 - ID Note/ Memorandum

Puducherry     Karaikal     Mahe     Yanam

17.07.2017Circulation of Tentative Seniority List of Drivers (LMV) Grade-III - Reg
12.06.2017Revised provisional seniority list of Superintendents who have opted for PCS - Objections called for - Revised vide O.M. dated 01.07.2021
12.06.2017Revised tentative inter-se seniority list of officers holding Schedule-ll posts of PCS (other than Superintendent cadre) - Objections called for - Extended vide OM dated 01.08.2019
24.02.2017Revised Inter-se-seniority of 103 Multi Tasking Staff regularly appointed upto 31.12.1999 for filling up of the post of LDC by promotion
25.01.2017Drawal of Tentative Seniority List in the Grade of Driver (LMV) Grade-II in respect of Thiru S. Coumaressane - Objections - Called for
09.12.2016Inter-se-seniority of Multi Tasking Staff regularly appointed upto 31.12.1999 for filling up of the post of LDC by promotion - Objections - Called for
08.12.2016Final Seniority List of Drivers (HMV) Grade-II - Issued
08.11.2016Circulation of Tentative Seniority List of Upper Division Clerks - Reg
18.10.2016Tentative Seniority List of Drivers (HMV) Grade-II - Issued
29.06.2016Final Seniority List of Upper Division Clerks - Issued - Reg.
16.06.2016Inter-se-seniority List of Multi Tasking Staff opted for Store Keeper Gr.III -Objections - Called for - Reg.
14.01.2016List of full time casual labourers (common categories) engaged as such between 01.10.2006 and 27.02.2009 and elevated as full time casual labourers from part time casual labourers from 28.02.2009 to 31.03.2014 in Govt. Departments in respect of Yanam region - Circulation of - Reg.
13.01.2016List of full time casual labourers (common categories) engaged as such between 01.10.2006 and 27.02.2009 and elevated as full time casual labourers from part time casual labourers from 28.02.2009 to 31.03.2014 in Govt. Depts. in the regions of Puducherry, Karaikal, Mahe and Yanam - Circulation of - Reg.

Puducherry     Karaikal     Mahe     Yanam

20.10.2015Revised tentative inter-se seniority list of officers holding Schedule-ll posts of PCS (other than Superintendent cadre) - Objections called for. - Revised vide OM dated 12.06.2017
28.07.2015Final Seniority List of Drivers (HMV) Grade-I - Issued
18.03.2015Final Seniority List of Drivers (LMV) Grade-I - Issued
18.02.2015Final Seniority List of Drivers (LMV) Grade-II - Issued
21.01.2015Tentative seniority list of Superintendents who have opted for PCS - Objections called for. - Revised vide OM dated 12.06.2017- Further Revised vide O.M. dated 01.07.2021
21.01.2015Tentative inter-se seniority list of officers holding Schedule-ll posts of PCS (other than Superintendent cadre) - Objections called for. - Revised vide OM dated 20.10.2015 and further revised vide OM dated 12.06.2017
01.07.2014Final Seniority list of 'Assistant' (1556 - 1713)
18.06.2013Final Seniority list of 'Assistant' (1329 - 1555)
17.06.2013Final Seniority list of UDCs (2783 - 3137)
15.10.2012Final Seniority List of LDCs (4609 - 4900)
17.05.2012Final Seniority list of PCS (JAG) Officers (1-21)
04.11.2011Inter-se seniority list of officers holding Schedule-ll posts of PCS (180-229)
29.08.2011Revised Final Seniority List of Supdt. Grade-I - Issued
31.12.2010 Final Seniority List of PCS (Selection Grade) Officers (1 - 31)
18.10.2010Final Seniority List - Drivers(LMV) Grade-II - Published
21.06.2010Final Seniority List - Steno Grade -III - Published
27.10.2010 Final Seniority List of Part-Time Casual Labourers
Puducherry Region || Karaikal Region || Yanam Region || Mahe Region
20.10.2010Final Seniority List of LDCs (4405 - 4608)
18.02.2010Inter-se seniority list of officers holding Schedule-ll posts of PCS (180-227)
Revised vide Order dated 04.11.2011
25.11.2009Final Seniority List of full time casual labourers - Published
03.02.2009Inter-se seniority list of officers holding Schedule-ll posts of PCS (75-179)
05.01.2009Final Seniority list of UDCs (2688 - 2782)
03.12.2008Final Seniority List of PCS (Entry Grade) Officers - GO.Ms.No.123
26.11.2008Final Seniority List of 'Assistant' (1174 - 1328)
17.06.2008Final Seniority List - Steno Grade-II - Published
13.11.2007Final Seniority list of UDCs (2245 - 2687)
01.11.2007Final Seniority List - Supdt. Grade-I - Issued
01.10.2007Inter-se seniority list of officers holding Schedule-ll posts of PCS (1-74)
12.08.2002Final Seniority List - Supdt. Grade-II - Issued
11.04.2002Final Seniority List - Peon - Published
12.01.1999Final Seniority List of LDCs (3240 - 3850)