Notification of result for 'Accounts Test (Higher)' held on 22.12.2024 [Notification dated 24.02.2025]

Schedule for Certificate Verification of wait list candidates selected for Direct Recruitment the post of 'UDC' [Memorandum dated 21.02.2025]

Sparing of Drivers to the Department of Revenue & Disaster Management, Pdy [O.M. dated 20.02.2025]

Filling up of the post of MTS (General) by absorption from among MTS (Security) / MTS (House Keeping) - Certificates called for - Last date: 27.02.2025 [ID Note/ Memorandum dated 19.02.2025]

Filling up of one post of 'Stenographer Grade-I' in PIPDIC on deputation basis [Circular dated 19.02.2025]

AR Wing – Nomination of Officials for training on "Travelling Allowance/ LTC Rules/ Leave Rules" on the forenoon of 21.02.2025 [ID Note dated 18.02.2025]

Schedule for certificate verification of shortlisted candidates for recruitment to the post of 'UDC' under MSP Quota on 19.02.2025 [Memorandum dated 17.02.2025]

Schedule for certificate verification of shortlisted candidates for recruitment to the post of 'LDC / Store Keeper Grade-III' under MSP Quota on 20.02.2025 [Memorandum dated 17.02.2025]

IAS - Allocation of subject 'Railway Projects' to Shri A. Nedunchezhiyan, IAS, Secretary (Agri), Pdy [G.O. dated 17.02.2025]

Filling up of 5 posts of 'Assistant' in DRDA, Pdy on deputation basis [Circular dated 17.02.2025]

Notification for conduct of 'Labour Test' on 28.02.2025 (Friday - Both Sessions) in Training Hall, Chief Secretariat, Puducherry [Notification dated 17.02.2025]

AR Wing – Nomination of Officials for training on "Reservation in Services for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwDs & Maintenance of Roster" on the forenoon of 18.02.2025 [ID Note dated 12.02.2025]

PCS - Ad-hoc promotion to 'Junior Administrative Grade' of PCS [Order dated 12.02.2025]

Repatriation of Thiru G. Anand Babu, Assistant, PPCL, Karaikal [Order dated 08.02.2025]

Commercial Taxes Sectt. – Filling up of the post of Asst. Commercial Tax Officer (ACTO) by promotion through LDCE in Commercial Taxes Dept., Puducherry [Circular dated 27.01.2025]

Placing the services of officials at the disposal of Legislative Assembly Secretariat [Memorandum dated 06.02.2025]

Deputation of Thiru M. Praveen Kumar, Superintendent to Mahe Municipality [Order dated 06.02.2025]

CVO – Revised Proforma for seeking Vigilance Clearance [OM dated 04.02.2025]

Deputation of Thiru G. Gitoh Sam, Assistant to MEPZ Special Economic Zone, Chennai [Order dated 05.02.2025]

Transfer and posting of Assistants [Memorandum dated 04.02.2025]

IAS - Allocation / Re-allocation of subjects among IAS officers [G.O. dated 03.02.2025]

PCS - Posting of Shri Dayanand Tendolkar as Project Officer, DRDA [Order dated 03.02.2025]

PCS - Transfer and posting of Tmt. B. Jayanthi as Director of Sty & Prg, Puducherry [Order dated 03.02.2025]

Transfer and posting of Private Secretaries [Memorandum dated 01.02.2025]

Modification to Memorandum dated 27.02.2020 - Revised place of posting [Memorandum dated 01.02.2025]

Transfer and posting of MTS (Security) [Memorandum dated 31.01.2025]

Service Placement of MTS (Security) in Yanam Region [Memorandum dated 31.01.2025]

Modification to Memorandum dt 09.01.2025 - Revised place of posting [Memorandum dated 31.01.2025]

Relieving Orders for Thiru M. Kumar, MTS (G), Directorate of Health & Family Welfare, Puducherry [Memorandum dated 30.01.2025]

Transfer and posting of UDCs [Memorandum dated 29.01.2025]

Modification to Memorandum dt 10.01.2025 - Revised place of posting [Memorandum dated 29.01.2025]

PCS - Tentative inter-se seniority list of Pondicherry Civil Service (Entry Grade) Officers - Objections called for [Memorandum dated 28.01.2025]

CS (Estt.) - Notification of Recruitment Rules for the post of 'Assistant Director' in Puducherry Govt. Guest House, Chennai [G.O. dated 16.12.2024]

CS (Estt.) - Amendment of Recruitment Rules for 'Room Attendant' in Puducherry Govt. Guest House, Chennai - Comments of stake holders invited [Circular dated 23.01.2025]

Offer of Appointment to the post of LDC to Thiru R. Aravindan [Memorandum dated 27.01.2025]

MTS - Provisional Inter-se Seniority List of MTS(S/HK) considered for absorption to MTS(G) [ID Note/ Memorandum dated 23.01.2025]

Observance of death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi as Martyrs' Day on 30.01.2025 [Circular dated 23.01.2025]

CVO – Instructions for online submission of Immovable Property Returns by Group-A and B officers for the year ending 2024 - Last date: 31.01.2025. [Circular dated 22.01.2025]

Administering ‘Voters Day’ Pledge in all Govt. Departments/ PSUs/ Boards/ Corporations/ Autonomous Bodies on 24.01.2025 [Circular dated 22.01.2025]

Successful completion of probation period beyond the maximum admissible period of four years - Orders issued [G.O. dated 22.01.2025]

Filling up of one post of Assistant in PONSHE on deputation basis [Circular dated 21.01.2025]

Repatriation of Thiru S. Sivaraj, Assistant, PONSHE [Order dated 21.01.2025]

AIS - Filing of annual Immovable Property Returns (IPR) by All India Service Officers of this Administration [ID Note dated 13.01.2025]

PCS - Retirement of Thiru V. Kaliaperumal, Director of Art & Culture, Pdy on superannuation [G.O. dated 13.01.2025]

Service particulars of MTS called for promotion to the post of Storekeeper Grade-III [Memorandum dated 13.01.2025]

Promotion of Drivers (HMV) Grade-III to 'Drivers (HMV) Grade-II' [Memorandum dated 10.01.2025]

Promotion to the post of 'Record Clerk / Keeper' on adhoc basis [Memorandum dated 09.01.2025]

Transfer and posting of 'Record Clerk / Keeper' [Memorandum dated 09.01.2025]

Appointment of UDCs as 'Assistant' through LDCE [Memorandum dated 08.01.2025]

Promotion of Tmt. P. Patcheammale, Stenographer Grade-I to Private Secretary [Memorandum dated 08.01.2025]

PCS - Substantive appointment to Grade-II (Entry Grade) of PCS [G.O. dated 07.01.2025]

'No disciplinary proceedings' and 'Integrity Certificate' of UDCs selected for appointment as 'Assistant' through LDCE - Called for [ID Note / Memorandum dated 06.01.2025]

Compulsory wearing of helmets by Government Servants - Reg [Circular dated 06.01.2025]

Notification of results for the LDCE held for promotion to the post of 'Assistant' on 08.12.2024 [Notification dated 03.01.2025]

Notification of marks obtained by 212 eligible candidates 'Hall Ticket' number-wise for LDCE held on 08.12.2024 [Notice dated 03.01.2025]

AR Wing - Formulation of Scheme towards grant of Chief Minister's Award for Excellence in Public Administration [G.O. dated 03.01.2025]

Elections Department - SVEEP – Conduct of Badminton Competition for Government Officials on 11.01.2025 and 12.01.2025 [Letter dated 24.12.2024]

Promotion of Assistants to the post of 'Superintendent' [Memorandum dated 31.12.2024]

Transfer and posting of MTS (General/Security) [Memorandum dated 31.12.2024]

Transfer and posting of MTS (General) [Memorandum dated 31.12.2024]

Conduct of 'Trade Test' for Drivers (LMV) Grade-III for promotion to the post of Drivers (LMV) Grade-II [O.M. dated 30.12.2024]

Service Particulars and CRs of Drivers (LMV) Grade-III called for promotion to the post of Drivers (LMV) Grade-II [ID Note dated 30.12.2024]

Details of Service of Officials/staff in all Depts / Autonomous Bodies/ Corporations/ Societies - Particulars called for [ID Note dated 27.12.2024]

Final Seniority List of Drivers (LMV) Grade-III [O.M. dated 27.12.2024]

Conduct of 'Trade Test' for Drivers (HMV) Grade-III for promotion to the post of Drivers (HMV) Grade-II [O.M. dated 27.12.2024]

Promotion and posting of MTS as LDC [Memorandum dated 27.12.2024]

Modification to Memorandum dated 06.12.2024 - Promotion and posting of MTS as LDC [Memorandum dated 27.12.2024]

Transfer and posting of LDC [Memorandum dated 27.12.2024]

CVO – Instructions for online submission of Immovable Property Returns by Group-A and B officers for the year ending 2024 - Last date: 31.01.2025. [Circular dated 26.12.2024]

Promotion of Stenographers Gr-II to 'Stenographers Gr-I' [Memorandum dated 26.12.2024]

Transfer and posting of Stenographers Gr-I [Memorandum dated 26.12.2024]

AR Wing – Nomination of Officials for training on "Procurement Policy, Preparation of Tenders, Tender Processing under GFR, 2017" on the forenoon of 27.12.2024 [ID Note dated 24.12.2024]

Promotion of Drivers (LMV) Grade-III to the post of 'Drivers (LMV) Grade-II' [Memorandum dated 19.12.2024]

Promotion of Tmt. D. Rethina, PS to the post of Senior Private Secretary [Memorandum dated 19.12.2024]

AR Wing – Nomination of Officials for training on "Drafting of Charge Sheet for instituting disciplinary proceedings under CCS (CCA) Rules" on the forenoon of 20.12.2024 [ID Note dated 17.12.2024]

AR Wing – Nomination of Officials for training on "Establishment Rules (FR & SR) and Delegation of Financial Powers" on the forenoon of 18.12.2024 [ID Note dated 16.12.2024]

Notification of Venue for conduct of Accounts Test (Higher) on 22.12.2024 (Sunday - Both Sessions) in all regions of Puducherry [Notification dated 13.12.2024]

Offer of appointment to the post of LDC (19 Nos.) [Memorandum dated 12.12.2024]

Notice of rejected applications for appearing in Accounts Test (Higher) [Notice dated 11.12.2024]

Transfer and Posting of Stenographer Grade-II [Memorandum dated 11.12.2024]

Promotion of Tractor Drivers Grade-III to the post of 'Tractor Drivers Grade-II' [Memorandum dated 06.12.2024]

Promotion and posting of MTS as 'LDC' [Memorandum dated 06.12.2024]

Transfer and posting of LDCs [OM dated 06.12.2024]

Service particulars of MTS for promotion to LDC called for [ID Note / Memorandum dated 06.12.2024]

Offer of appointment to the post of 'UDC' (4 Nos.) [Memorandum dated 05.12.2024]

Transfer and Posting of UDCs [Memorandum dated 05.12.2024]

PCS - Posting of Shri Satender Singh as Commissioner, Mahe Municipality [Order dated 05.12.2024]

PCS - Posting of Smt. R. Nivedita as Project Officer, DRDA and BDO, Villianur [Order dated 05.12.2024]

Filling up of one post of General Manager in Puducherry Adi-dravidar and ST Development Corporation Ltd., Puducherry on deputation basis [Circular dated 05.12.2024]

No disciplinary proceedings, Integrity and Caste certificates of UDCs for appointment to Assistant through LDCE called for [ID Note / Memorandum dated 05.12.2024]

Notification for cancellation of provisional selection of three UDCs to the post of Assistant through LDCE and filling up of the resultant vacancies [Notification dated 03.12.2024]

Transfer / Repatriation of Assistant / UDC [Order dated 02.12.2024]

Filling up of 3 posts of UDC in Mother Theresa PG and Research Institute of Health Sciencies, Pdy on deputation basis [Circular dated 02.12.2024]

Service particulars and Confidential Reports of Driver (HMV) Grade-III called for promotion to Driver (HMV) Grade-II [Memorandum dated 02.12.2024]

Issue of Hall Tickets for LDCE for promotion to the post of 'Assistant' from 02.12.2024 to 05.12.2024 [Notification dated 29.11.2024]

Circulation of Tentative Seniority List of Drivers (LMV) Grade-III [ID Note / Memorandum dated 29.11.2024]

Deputation of Reyya Sreenivasu, Assistant to work as Sub-Registrar in the Sub-Registry, Yanam [Order dated 26.11.2024]

Repatriation of Petlu Narendra Kumar, Assistant, Registration Department, Yanam [Order dated 26.11.2024]

Unauthorized absence of Government Servants - Particulars called for [Circular dated 26.11.2024]

Instructions on inviting MLA / Nominated MLA to Public functions organised by Govt. Departments / Offices [Circular dated 25.11.2024]

DoPT instructions on grant of notional incement to the employees who retire from service on 30th June/ 31st December [ID Note / OM dated 22.11.2024]

PCS - Retirement of Tmt. P. Padmavathy, Director of Stationery & Printing, Pdy on superannuation [G.O. dated 22.11.2024]

Repatriation of N. Sankaran, Assistant, DRDA, Pdy [Order dated 22.11.2024]

Grant of notional promotion to the post of Superintendent [Memorandum dated 20.11.2024]

Conduct of Accounts Test (Higher) on 22.12.2024 (Sunday - Both Sessions) in all regions of Puducherry [Notification dated 19.11.2024]

Puducherry Pollution Control Committee - Engagament of retired Govt. officials of Puducherry who served as Superintendent / JAO/ Assistant/ UDC as Consultant / Office Assistant on contract basis in PPCC - Applications called for [Notification dated 15.11.2024]

Filling up of vacancies in LDC under promotion quota - Service particulars of MTS called for [Memorandum dated 13.11.2024]

Proposal to introduce 'Common Written Examination' for various levels of Direct Recruitment Examinations in Govt. of Puducherry - Meeting with HODs on 18.11.2024 at 4.00 pm at Conference Hall, Chief Secretariat to discuss the Pattern and Syllabus [Circular dated 12.11.2024]

AR Wing – Conduct of in-house short term training on 'Store Keeping Materials Management' from 25.11.2024 to 06.12.2024 at Chennai - Nomination of Stock Verifiers/ Storekeepers Grade-I [Memorandum dated 11.11.2024]

PCS - Placement of PCS (JAG) officers to PCS (NFG) [Order dated 11.11.2024]

PCS - Ad-hoc promotion of PCS (Entry Grade) officers to PCS (Selection Grade) [Order dated 11.11.2024]

Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to the post of 'Assistant' will be held at Puducherry on 08.12.2024 (Sunday - Both Sessions) [Notification dated 08.11.2024]

Observance of 'National Unity Week' (Quami Ekta Week) from 19 to 25, November, 2024 - Administering 'National Integration Pledge' [Circular dated 06.11.2024]

Filling up of the post of MTS (General) by absorption from among MTS (Security) / MTS (House Keeping) - Service particulars called for - Last date: 15.11.2024 [ID Note/ Memorandum dated 04.11.2024]